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Ranch and Rope Horses
Our horses' heritage is from outstanding ranch horse stock. Growing up on the Lazy JS Ranch in North Dakota, horses were a part of the necessary tools on the ranch. The mares were all broke before they entered the broodmare band and if they didn't ride well, they didn't stay! We strive for the same useable traits and emphasize superb dispositions.
Rick & DaLauna Potts Family
and CA Moonshine
Getting it done on the ranch at work with a youth aboard! It will be super fun to see where this duo goes!

Kevin Rahn
and CA Roan Talon
2016 World Series of Team Roping Qualifiers
Our thoughts and prayers to the Rahn family as they laid
Cactus to rest 10.23.23.

Kevin Rahn and CA Roan Talon aka Cactus

Cactus all geared up

Roping on Cactus

Kevin Rahn and CA Roan Talon aka Cactus
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